Archives: Episode

  • #10 Building sustainable websites with WordPress

    #10 Building sustainable websites with WordPress

    In this episode, we were joined by Tom Greenwood, Hannah Smith and Jack Lennox to discuss the environmental impact of our work and what we can do to make our WordPress websites more sustainable.

  • #9 WordPress security

    #9 WordPress security

    Deserved or not, WordPress has a reputation problem when it comes to security. In this episode, Keith and Mark are joined by WordPress security experts Tim Nash and Chris Wiegman.

  • #8 Building Gutenberg-ready WordPress themes

    #8 Building Gutenberg-ready WordPress themes

    Mark and Keith are joined by expert WordPress developer Bill Erickson to discuss how to work with Gutenberg when building custom, modern WordPress themes.

  • #7 Using Tailwind with WordPress

    #7 Using Tailwind with WordPress

    We are joined by Ben Furfie and Michelle Barker to talk about a new hot topic in the CSS world – Tailwind.

  • #6 Marketing WordPress products and services

    #6 Marketing WordPress products and services

    In episode 6 we were joined by Alex Denning of Ellipsis Marketing and Katie Keith of Barn2 Plugins to discuss strategies and tactics for marketing your WordPress products and services.

  • #5 Pricing WordPress products and services

    #5 Pricing WordPress products and services

    In episode 5 of the WP Café show we chatted to Tom Hirst and Jack McConnell all about pricing WordPress products and services.

  • #4 What can WordPress developers learn from the Laravel community and ecosystem?

    #4 What can WordPress developers learn from the Laravel community and ecosystem?

    In episode 4 we were kindly joined by Ross Wintle and Steve Jones to chat about what WordPress developers can learn from the Laravel community and ecosystem.

  • #3 Dealing with complex data structures in WordPress

    #3 Dealing with complex data structures in WordPress

    In episode three of WP Café, we’re joined by John James Jacoby and Elliot Condon (ACF) for a chat about how to deal with complex data structures in WordPress.

  • #2 Development workflow for WordPress multisite

    #2 Development workflow for WordPress multisite

    Do you work with WordPress multisite? How do you set up your development environment? Do you use sub-modules with Git? What about deployment? What about staging and test servers? Multisite brings an extra twist to all of these challenges. In episode 2 of WP Café we spoke to JJ Jay and Jonny Albut about WordPress multisite.

  • #1 Developing themes with Gutenberg (IRL)

    #1 Developing themes with Gutenberg (IRL)

    In the very first episode of WP Café we chatted to Diane Wallace, Ben Gillbanks and Michael Bragg all about their experiences, tips and tricks of development websites and themes with the WordPress block editor called Gutenberg.