WordPress recently shipped with a new theme, the Twenty Twenty-One theme. In this episode we ask the people that built it all about the ideas and decisions about how it was built.
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Show guests
Carolina Nymark

Carolina Nymark is a member of the WordPress Core Team at Yoast.
She is a self-taught developer from Stockholm, Sweden and has been contributing to WordPress and the official theme directory for over ten years.
She is a representative of the WordPress.org themes team. She was the Default Theme Development Lead for Twenty Twenty-One, released with WordPress 5.6.
Her main focuses are helping theme authors transition to block-based themes and encouraging them to create more accessible themes.
When she is not thinking about WordPress, she enjoys cross-stitching, gaming, and movies. You can reach Carolina on Twitter: @carolinapoena.
Mel Choyce-Dwan

Mel Choyce is a product designer based in Philadelphia, Massachusetts. Not only is Mel a WordPress Core Committer and former Release Lead, she is a regular core contributor and speaks frequently at WordCamps on design, typography, and user experience. When Mel isn’t designing products at Automattic, she enjoys cold brew coffee, craft beer, and rocking out in her band.