In this episode Keith and I host a discussion and question and answer session about the main topics surrounding the WordPress project at the moment.
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This episode is sponsored by the excellent SpinupWP.
SpinupWP is a Modern Cloud-Based Server Control Panel and the best way to have your own extremely fast WordPress server, spun up in minutes.
SpinupWP supports any provider including Digital Ocean, Linode and AWS. If your server has an IP address you can connect it to SpinupWP.
I have been using SpinupWP for both Highrise Digital and personal projects for over 18 months now and I have been so impressed with it.
It is easy to use, with excellent support and provides really fast WordPress websites – and I mean faster than we have seen with other hosts.
At first I was a little worried about the do it yourself approach, but with excellent documentation and support, even I, a command line novice, am loving using it.
If you are looking for a way to host your WordPress sites we couldn’t recommend it enough.
And what is even better is that the awesome team at SpinupWP have provided us with a coupon link which you can all use to get 25% off your first 3 months.
SpinupWP coupon link for 25% off your first 3 months
Go and give it a try now – I am sure you will love it, just like we did.