#53 The software I use to develop WP sites and products

In this episode, Mark chats about all the different pieces of software that he uses to build WordPress websites and products.

#52 Is it getting harder to find WordPress work?

Are you finding it harder to find work? Are enquiries hard to come by and the sales pipeline drying up? Keith and Mark discuss if this is a WordPress or global trend, what might be causing it and what we can do about it. Watch the video

#51 !important, Our new WordPress product, and GitHub Co-pilot

Keith and mark discuss their new WordPress product: RecPress, using !important in CSS, and GitHub Co-pilot Watch the video

#50 Making a living with WordPress: Our story so far

Apologies for the audio issues on this one. We thought about not publishing, but we wanted to keep the order of shows intact. Watch the video

#49 Who is WordPress for now?

WordPress is changing and we pose the question, who is it for now? Watch the video

#48 WordPress 6.2

Watch the video

#47 WordPress Professionals Survey

Watch the video

#46 WordPress Project Management

#45 WordCamps, meetups and Q&A

#44 Our WordPress development process

This week we take on a listener question: I know the block editor is the unavoidable beast at the moment, but it would actually really good to go through your process as an agency. Do you guys have themes you use and tailor to clients, or do you start from scratch every time.