#101 Improving our documentation
In this episode, Mark and Keith discuss improving the documentation for JobRelay and also how to classify content into categories, tags and custom taxonomies. Watch the video
#100 Website proposals and pricing in 2024
Eugh, proposals! We all hate writing them (don’t we?!) but they are a necessary part of running a web agency. In this episode, Mark and Keith discuss writing a proposal for a new website project. Watch the video
#99 Next steps with our FSE build
Mark and Keith avoid any chat of the recent #wpdrama and instead keep to the scheduled programming! Watch the video
#98 WordPress FSE woes and wins
Keith and Mark chat more about their current FSE build including the successes and challenges along the way. Watch the video
#97 Create content model WordPress plugin
Keith and Mark chat about the recent Create Content Model plugin launched for WordPress as well as other news happening during the week. Watch the video
#96 Is Bricks the way forward?
We’ve been thinking a lot about how to approach our next site build. Is Bricks the answer? Watch the video
#94 Starting our FSE build, and should clients edit their websites?
In today’s episode, Keith and Mark discuss the following: – Starting their latest Full-site-editing build – Should clients be able to edit their own website content? – A new WordPress meetup in London Follow us: X / https://twitter.com/highrisedigital | https://twitter.com/wpcafeshow Linkedin / https://www.linkedin.com/company/highrisedigital/ Website: https://highrise.digital/ | https://wpcafe.show Checkout our products: JobRelay: https://jobrelay.io Integrate your WordPress…
#93 Our week in WordPress
Keith and Mark chat about what they have been working on this week including wins loses. Watch the video
#92 Building WordPress websites for clients, with FSE
In todays episode, Keith and Mark are chatting about how to build WordPress websites for clients using Full Site Editing (FSE). With a new project in the pipeline they have a lot of learning to do! Follow us: X / https://twitter.com/highrisedigital | https://twitter.com/wpcafeshow Linkedin / https://www.linkedin.com/company/highrisedigital/ Website: https://highrise.digital/ | https://wpcafe.show Watch the video
#91 Modern WordPress development workflows and WP 6.6
With a new web project build in the pipeline, Keith and Mark chat about how to go about building a modern WordPress site and the workflows that can be used, particularly looking at how these are different from a “classic” WP build. Additional topics also include: Watch the video Follow us: X / https://twitter.com/highrisedigital |…