#23 Moving fast, a new product and support requests

In this episode, Keith and Mark chat about moving things fast, launching a new WordPress product and dealing with support requests. All that and some questions from the live audience here on Youtube. Video

#22 What kind of show is this?


#21 – plugins on .org, core CSS and meeting up

In this episode of WP Café Keith and Mark chat about: A new site launch for a large recruitment brand Contemplating launching JobRelay on the WordPress.org plugin repository More discussion about CSS in WordPress core – particularly in the block editor Email threads Finally meeting up in person after 2.5 years Video

#20 – Is WordPress still right for us?

In this episode Keith and Mark discuss whether WordPress is still the right tool to use. Additional topics of discussion include visual regression testing and WP Engine acquiring the Delicious Brains plugins. Video

WordPress 6.0, responsive typography and client interviews

In this episode Keith and Mark chat about the new release of WordPress (v6.0), responsive typography and undertaking client interviews. Video

Episode #18

Keith and Mark had a chat about what has been happening with them and with WordPress over the last week or so.

#17 2021 in review

Episode 17 reviews what we have been up to in 2021.

#16 WordPress development workflow automations

In this episode we are joined by Michael Bragg to chat about automating workflows and deployments when developing on WordPress. Video

#15 Full site editing in WordPress 5.8

With full site editing coming in WordPress 5.8, due for release later in July this year, we chatted to Fränk Klein all about what it is and what it offer to users and developers. Video Related links WP Development course – Building block based themes Show sponsor This episode is sponsored by JobRelay, the easiest […]

#14 Ask us anything WordPress

In this episode Keith and I host a discussion and question and answer session about the main topics surrounding the WordPress project at the moment. Watch the video Show sponsor This episode is sponsored by the excellent SpinupWP. SpinupWP is a Modern Cloud-Based Server Control Panel and the best way to have your own extremely […]